310 Names For Hockey Teams That Score Big

The term “hockey” dates back to a 1773 book called Juvenile Sports and Pastimes by Richard Johnson, though it’s likely the name existed even earlier. During the same period, another version of the game played on the ground emerged, known as field hockey.

Hockey team names have evolved to mirror the sport’s competitive spirit. It’s not just about sounding cool; it’s about capturing the team’s essence and rallying fans’ support.

For a wide array of ideas for hockey team names, you’ve landed in the right spot! Explore over 260 clever, funny, cool, and more names for hockey teams right here.

The Top Hockey Team Names With Meaning

The Top Hockey Team Names With Meaning
  1. Blizzard Blasters: A team known for unleashing a storm of rapid shots or scoring bursts during gameplay.
  2. Breakneck Blades: Players who skate at an incredibly fast and intense pace, showcasing their rapid movements on the ice.
  3. Chillstorm Chasers: Skilled players adept at pursuing and dominating play even in the most intense and competitive environments.
  4. Frost Fury: A team known for their icy determination, fierce competitiveness, and passionate gameplay.
  5. Glacier Gators: Players who are as tough and immovable as glaciers while displaying agility and cunning like alligators.
  6. Ice Apex: A team recognized for reaching the pinnacle of performance, dominance, or skill on the ice.
  7. Icebound Titans: Dominant and powerful players who control the game and command respect with their skillful play.
  8. Icicle Knights: Skilled players likened to knights showcasing precision, chivalry, and strategic prowess on the ice.
  9. Nordic Nomads: A team known for their adaptability and resilience, traveling and competing fearlessly like nomads.
  10. Permafrost Predators: Dominant and relentless players who hunt for victory, maintaining their stronghold on the ice.
  11. Polar Peak Pioneers: Trailblazing players known for their innovative techniques and groundbreaking strategies.
  12. Rink Reapers: Players who dominate the rink, showcasing strength, skill, and a merciless competitive edge.
  13. Snow Squall Strikers: Players known for their sudden and intense offensive attacks, striking opponents like a snow squall.
  14. Arctic Aces: Skilled players celebrated for their exceptional talent, mastery, and expertise on the icy battleground.
  15. Blizzard Battalion: A united force of players exhibiting resilience and teamwork, marching through challenges.
  16. Frostbite Falcons: Players embodying agility and swiftness while dealing a biting blow to opponents like frostbite.
  17. Frozen Fury: A team known for their relentless and aggressive style of play, channeling controlled chaos on the ice.
  18. Hailstone Hitters: Players who deliver powerful shots or hits likened to the impact of hailstones in a storm.
  19. Icewind Warriors: Skilled and resilient players navigating the ice with strength and courage like warriors.
  20. Northern Blizzard: A team known for their dominance and ability to create a chilling effect on their opponents.
  21. Powdered Panthers: Players who exhibit stealth, agility, and ferocity, resembling the prowess of panthers on ice.
  22. Shiver Sharks: Agile and fierce players likened to sharks, striking fear and respect into opponents’ hearts.
  23. Snowcap Slingers: Players who skillfully sling or pass the puck with accuracy and precision, like snow-capped peaks.
  24. Snowflake Snipers: Precision shooters known for their accurate shots and ability to hit targets with finesse.
  25. Tundra Titans: Players displaying immense strength and resilience, dominating the icy terrain like titans.
  26. Frostfire Flyers: Players known for their fiery passion and competitive spirit, combined with ice-cold precision.
  27. Avalanche Assault: A team renowned for sudden, overwhelming, and forceful attacks, overwhelming opponents like an avalanche.
  28. Glacier Kings: Players embodying authority, strength, and dominance similar to the resilience of glaciers.
  29. Hailstorm Hammers: Players with powerful shots or hits, delivering blows like a relentless hailstorm.
  30. Iceberg Blazers: Players who navigate the ice with exceptional speed, agility, and determination, blazing their paths like icebergs in water.

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The Best Hockey Team Names

The Best Hockey Team Names
Team NamesMeaning
Arctic FoxesAdaptable, quick, and clever, embodying characteristics of the arctic fox.
Avalanche SharksPowerful and unstoppable, akin to an avalanche and fierce like sharks.
Bar Down BeastsSkilled in scoring goals by hitting the crossbar and showcasing dominance.
Black DiamondsSymbolizing strength, resilience, and rarity, akin to black diamonds.
Blue ThunderA name representing power, speed, and the force of thunderstorms.
Biscuit BreakersSkilled players known for breaking through defense to score.
CenturionsReflecting strength, resilience, and leadership akin to ancient warriors.
CobrasQuick, agile, and venomous, similar to the characteristics of a cobra.
CyclonesRepresents a team known for creating whirlwind-like chaos on the field.
Dark KnightsStrong, mysterious, and dominant, resembling legendary dark knights.
DragonsPowerful and mythical, known for their fiery energy and strength.
EnforcersTough, physical, and known for imposing authority on the field.
FirebirdsSymbolizing passion, speed, and agility, akin to the mythical firebird.
Frost GiantsSignifying immense strength and power, resembling colossal frost giants.
Glacier WolvesAgile, adaptive, and representing resilience in harsh conditions.
Golden EaglesMajestic and powerful, representing a team with high-flying capabilities.
GrizzliesStrength, power, and resilience, akin to the characteristics of grizzlies.
HighlandersReflecting resilience, fortitude, and representing rugged highland regions.
Ice BreakersKnown for breaking barriers and overcoming challenges on the ice.
Ice StormSignifying speed, intensity, and a sudden burst of energy like a storm.
IcemenCool, composed, and known for their precision and grace on the ice.
IroncladsIndicating strength, durability, and resilience, similar to ironclad ships.
KodiaksStrength, power, and resilience, resembling the mighty Kodiak bear.
LumberjacksReflecting strength, endurance, and the spirit of hardworking individuals.
MavericksUnconventional, independent thinkers, and known for their daring moves.
Mighty MooseStrong, resilient, and symbolic of the wilderness and vast territories.
MountaineersReflecting resilience, strength, and conquering challenges like mountains.
NarwhalsKnown for agility and adaptability, reflecting the characteristics of narwhals.
Night HawksSymbolizing vigilance, speed, and stealth, akin to nocturnal predators.
North StarsRepresenting guidance, leadership, and navigating through challenges.
OutlawsUnconventional, rebellious, and known for their independent spirit.
Polar BearsResilient, powerful, and representing the harshness of arctic conditions.
ProwlersAgile, stealthy, and known for prowling skillfully on the field.
PythonsSymbolizing strategy, cunningness, and methodical play, like pythons.
RaidersKnown for their aggressive, attacking style and raiding opponents.
RaptorsFierce, agile, and representing aerial dominance, similar to raptors.
RedhawksStrong, fierce, and representing the spirit of red hawks in nature.
RenegadesIndependent, rebellious, and known for their non-conventional approach.
Rink MastersExperts on the ice, showing mastery and dominance in ice-related sports.
River OttersAgile, playful, and known for their adaptability, akin to river otters.
RoughridersTough, resilient, and known for overcoming challenging conditions.
SabercatsStrong, fierce, and representing the agility of saber-toothed cats.
Sea WolvesResilient, fierce, and symbolic of adaptability in coastal environments.
SharksPredatory, aggressive, and known for their dominance in their habitat.
SkyhawksSymbolizing speed, agility, and dominance in the skies.
Snow LeopardsAgile, stealthy, and representing resilience in extreme environments.
Solar BearsReflecting warmth, energy, and resilience akin to solar bears.
SpartansSymbolizing resilience, strength, and teamwork akin to ancient Spartans.
StampedeReflecting the power, speed, and collective force of a stampeding herd.
SteamrollersIndicating force, power, and overpowering opposition, similar to steamrollers.
Storm SurgeSignifying a sudden and powerful increase in force or intensity, like a storm surge.
ThunderbirdsSymbolizing strength, power, and dominating the skies, like thunderbirds.
TitansRepresenting colossal strength, dominance, and power like Titans in mythology.
TrojansSymbolizing resilience, determination, and defense like Trojan warriors.
Tundra WolvesSymbolizing adaptability, resilience, and survival in harsh tundra conditions.
VipersAgile, venomous, and known for strategic play, similar to vipers.
WarriorsReflecting strength, courage, and fighting spirit akin to warriors.
WhitecapsSymbolizing resilience, power, and the energy of ocean whitecaps.
WildfireReflecting intensity, speed, and rapid movement, akin to wildfires.
WolverinesSymbolizing ferocity, resilience, and relentless determination.
YetiMysterious, formidable, and known for surviving in extreme environments.

Funny Hockey Team Names

Funny Hockey Team Names
Team NamesMeaning
Abominable SnowflakesPlayfully referencing the Yeti or snow creatures with a humorous twist.
Angry BeaversEmphasizing a team’s spirited or intense play, inspired by beavers.
Arctic AvocadosCombining contrasting elements for a humorous team name.
Can’t Skate So GoodA self-deprecating and humorous acknowledgment of the team’s skating skills.
Collision CourseA playfully ironic name suggesting a team always in mishaps or collisions.
Confused PenguinsHumorously indicating a team that might seem disoriented or unsure.
Couch PotatoesA humorous reference to a team that might prefer lounging over playing.
Dead PucksA comical take on the inactivity or lack of movement in the game.
Delayed PenaltiesA playful nod to penalties, suggesting delays or slow responses.
Donut PatrolA humorous reference, possibly indicating a lack of seriousness.
Epic FailuresA comical and self-aware team name embracing moments of failure.
Flying TacosImaginative and whimsical, combining flight and food elements.
Goalie Fights OnlyA humorous notion suggesting an interest only in goalie altercations.
Good Ol’ BoysA friendly and familiar reference, suggesting camaraderie among friends.
Grumpy Old MenA playful take on a team of seasoned or older players with attitudes.
Hamster WheelsPlayfully suggesting constant activity but lack of progress or movement.
Hit Me With Your Best ShotA playful, inviting challenge to opponents in a volleyball game.
Hockey McHockeyfacesA humorous spin on the “Boaty McBoatface” trend with a hockey twist.
Ice HolesA play on words suggesting a team with a quirky sense of humor.
Icebreakers AnonymousA whimsical nod to icebreaking activities but in an anonymous context.
Injured ReserveA witty take on a team perpetually on the bench or sidelined due to injuries.
Knock-Knock JokesA lighthearted and playful team name hinting at a humorous atmosphere.
Law & Order: Zamboni UnitA humorous reference blending the TV show title with ice resurfacing.
Leftover PizzaA light-hearted name possibly referencing the aftermath of games.
Low ExpectationsA tongue-in-cheek acknowledgment of not expecting much from the team.
Mighty Morphin Power SkatersA comical spin on the Power Rangers theme, adapted for skating.
Not Fast, Just FuriousA humorous take on speed and intensity, referencing the movie title.
Offensive ForecheckersA pun on offensive playstyle in hockey, specifically forechecking.
Old Time HockeyA nostalgic and charming reference to traditional hockey.
Puck BuddiesA playful and friendly name indicating camaraderie among teammates.
Puck YouA humorous and perhaps confrontational play on words.
Puckin’ AA cheeky and positive expression, referencing success or agreement.
Puckin’ RightA playful affirmation, suggesting doing things the right way.
Puckin’ WrongA humorous acknowledgment of mistakes or errors in playing.
Raging ZambonisA humorous reference to intense or aggressive ice resurfacing machines.
Rejects Of FuryPlayfully suggesting intensity or fierceness despite being rejects.
RoadkillA humorous and possibly self-deprecating reference to being defeated.
Rubber DucksA playful, whimsical team name with a light-hearted touch.
Running On EmptyA humorous nod to fatigue or lack of energy during a CrossFit workout.
Screaming SquirrelsA whimsical and playful reference to high-pitched, energetic squirrels.
Slap Shotz BreweryA creative and amusing fusion of hockey and brewery themes.
Snack AttackPlayfully indicating a team fueled by snacks or the love for food.
Snipe CityA hockey term humorously suggesting the accuracy of shots.
Snowball EffectA whimsical reference suggesting an ever-increasing impact or consequence.
SockeyesA fish-themed team name, possibly referencing a specific type of salmon.
Speed DemonsA playful and possibly boastful name indicating rapid speed on the ice.
Suburban CommandosA humorous juxtaposition, suggesting toughness in a suburban context.
Taco Tuesday TitansA fun, themed team name possibly indicating a love for tacos on Tuesdays.
The B-TeamA humorous acknowledgment of being secondary or less serious.
The Fighting LlamasA whimsical and playful combination of fighting spirit with llamas.
The OversleepersA comical acknowledgment of tardiness or sleeping through events.
The Penalty BoxersA witty combination of penalties and boxers, referencing the penalty box.
The Stickin’ StonesA play on the saying “sticks and stones,” possibly indicating resilience.
ThunderstruckA humorous reference to being struck by lightning, possibly for intensity.
Toothless WondersA playful and possibly self-deprecating reference to a team’s
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Cool Hockey Team Names

Team NamesMeaning
Blade RunnersSpeedy, skillful skaters known for their agility and precision.
Breakaway BanditsQuick, skilled players known for successful breakaway plays.
Chill BladesRelaxed yet proficient skaters, combining composure with skill.
Clutch KingsPlayers known for their ability to perform well under pressure.
Cross CheckersA play on the hockey move ‘cross-check,’ suggesting aggressive playstyle.
Faceoff ForceDominant players with prowess in winning faceoffs and controlling play.
Five Hole FlyersPlayers skilled in scoring goals through the goalie’s ‘five hole.’
Frozen FuryA team known for intense, aggressive, and powerful playing style.
Goal RushersSkilled forwards known for consistently attacking and scoring goals.
Hat Trick HeroesPlayers celebrated for scoring three goals in a single game.
High Stick SocietyPossibly referencing high stick penalties or skilled high stick handling.
Hot ShotsA term suggesting players with exceptional skill or talent.
Ice CrushersDominant players known for their physicality and impactful hits.
Ice DemonsPlayers with a fierce, intimidating presence on the ice.
Ice GlidersPlayers known for smooth and graceful skating movements.
Ice KnightsPlayers embodying chivalry, bravery, and strength on the ice.
Ice RangersA team characterized by resourcefulness and adaptability.
Ice WarriorsPlayers embodying resilience, strength, and determination.
Icing AssassinsSkilled players known for their precision in scoring goals.
Net SeekersPlayers adept at finding and exploiting scoring opportunities.
Penalty KillersPlayers skilled at defending and neutralizing power play opportunities.
Power Play PredatorsPlayers known for their effectiveness during power play situations.
Puck PursuitersPlayers consistently chasing and pressuring opponents for the puck.
Puck SwipersPlayers known for skillfully taking the puck away from opponents.
Quick SkatesPlayers known for their speed and agility on the ice.
Red Line RebelsPossibly referencing unconventional play or defiance of norms.
Rink RatsPlayers known for their constant presence and activity on the ice.
Rocket ShotsPlayers known for powerful and accurate shooting abilities.
Skate Or DieEmphasizing a player’s commitment and dedication to the game.
Slapshot SquadPlayers adept at delivering powerful slapshots.
Soulful StridesExpressive and skillful skaters known for their artistic moves.
Speed SkatersPlayers known for their exceptional speed and swiftness.
Stick HandlersPlayers skilled at handling and controlling the puck.
StonehandsPlayfully referencing players who lack finesse or dexterity.
Swift SkatersPlayers known for their fast and agile skating abilities.
The Big ChillPossibly referencing a calm and composed playing style.
The Blue LinersThe defensive backbone of the team, controlling the blue line.
The Breakout BunchSkilled players adept at starting and executing breakouts.
The Faceoff FightersPlayers dominant in faceoff situations and battles for possession.
The Fighting FalconsPossibly referencing a team known for its combative spirit.
The Hat TrickstersPlayers known for their prowess in scoring hat tricks.
The Ice StormersPlayers dominating the game with intense and relentless play.
The Powerhouse PuckstersPlayers known for their strength and skill in handling the puck.
The Rink RaidersPlayers who aggressively and persistently attack opponents.
The SharpshootersPlayers known for accurate and precise shooting skills.
The Slapshot SavagesPlayers who frequently utilize powerful slapshots.
The Speedy SkatersPlayers known for their rapid and swift skating abilities.
The Stick SmashersPlayers renowned for their hard and powerful stick handling.
The Thundering HerdPlayers known for their collective and overwhelming presence.
The Top ShelfersPlayers renowned for consistently scoring top shelf goals.
The Winged WarriorsPlayers who exhibit speed, agility, and grace on the ice.
The Zamboni ZealotsFans or players with an unusual enthusiasm for Zamboni machines.
Thunder On IcePossibly referencing a team known for intense and powerful play.

Beer League Hockey Names

Team NamesMeaning
Adult BeveragesA team name suggesting a mature approach, possibly with a humorous twist.
Average JoesEmbracing an everyday, regular-person vibe with a touch of self-awareness.
Bad News BeersA comical play on the “bad news bears” phrase, incorporating beer humor.
Beer BrawlersHumorously suggesting a rough and tough attitude with a beer-related twist.
Beer GogglesPlayfully referencing the phenomenon of distorted perceptions after drinking.
Beer League HeroesCelebrating players who shine in casual, beer league-style competitions.
Beer League LegendsRecognizing legendary status within a casual beer league context.
Brew CrewA fun, beer-themed team name, possibly indicating camaraderie among drinkers.
Cheap ShotsPossibly referencing in-game strategies or tactics, but in a humorous way.
Chug-A-LugsEmphasizing a fun, lighthearted atmosphere with a focus on drinking.
Cold CutsA play on words, possibly hinting at a casual, relaxed playing style.
Delayed PenaltiesA humorous nod to penalties with a delay, possibly referring to indecision.
Face-Off FolliesLight-hearted reference to the chaos or unexpected events during face-offs.
Failure Is Not An OptionA humorous and ironic name, suggesting that failure might indeed be an option.
Hangover HelpersPlayfully referencing players who assist others dealing with hangovers.
Hat Trick HooligansCelebrating players known for their prowess in scoring hat tricks.
Ice HoundsA team name suggesting players who eagerly pursue the puck on the ice.
Ice PiratesA playful reference to hockey players with a daring or unconventional style.
Inebriated Ice BreakersA humorous name suggesting alcohol-influenced interactions on the ice.
Lagunitas LagersA beer-related name possibly inspired by a specific brewery or beer type.
Last Minute SubsPossibly referencing substitutes who come in clutch during critical moments.
Malt MenA play on words, possibly referencing beer and players’ strength or skill.
Misfits On IceEmbracing a playful, unconventional, or non-conforming team identity.
No RegretzkysA humorous nod to avoiding regrets or second thoughts in playing style.
Old Time PuckstersEmbracing a traditional, classic approach to playing hockey.
One More ShiftA name possibly suggesting an extra effort or an additional playing session.
Penalty Box HeroesCelebrating players who excel despite spending time in the penalty box.
Puck DynastyPlayfully referencing a legacy or dynasty within a beer league context.
Puck OffsA humorous play on words, possibly indicating a disregard for formalities.
Puck ShufflersA whimsical name possibly hinting at a casual or unconventional style.
Puck The SystemA witty play on words, suggesting defiance or disruption of the usual order.
Red-Eyed RegretsHumorously acknowledging the consequences of late-night games and parties.
Rink RascalsCelebrating a youthful, mischievous spirit within the team.
Rusty BladesA light-hearted name suggesting players might not be at their prime anymore.
Saucy PassesPossibly indicating a team known for skillful and cheeky passing plays.
Shinny ShamblersPlayfully referencing casual, non-competitive, or recreational hockey.
Six PacksA light-hearted, fitness-focused team name with a beer-related twist.
Stick In The MudPlayfully suggesting players who might resist change or innovation.
The Buzzed PucksA play on words, combining hockey terminology with the effects of alcohol.
The Cooler KingsCelebrating players who maintain a calm and composed demeanor on the ice.
The IceholesA humorous and possibly self-deprecating name embracing a casual attitude.
The Last ShiftPossibly referencing players’ final moments or their last game together.
The Mighty PucksA play on words, possibly indicating a powerful or dominant team.
The Stone Cold Stick HandlersPlayers who handle sticks with a precise and unwavering demeanor.
The Weekend WarriorsPlayers give their all during weekend games or recreational matches.

Hockey Team Names For Kids

Team NamesMeaning
Arctic AviatorsSkilled players known for their agility and flying across the ice.
Breakaway BladesPlayers known for executing successful breakaways with precision.
Chill PenguinsA team known for maintaining composure and a cool attitude on the ice.
Cyclone CrushersAggressive and powerful players known for dominating the game.
Daredevil DriftersPlayers known for their daring and adventurous playstyle.
Diamond Dust DevilsSkilled players bringing a touch of flair and unpredictability to the game.
FirebirdsA team known for their fiery passion and intensity on the ice.
Flame ThrowersPlayers celebrated for their ability to score goals with blazing speed.
Frostbite FlyersSwift and agile players who navigate the ice effortlessly.
Glacier GrizzliesStrong and relentless players likened to the power of a glacier.
Gold Medal MavericksPlayers recognized for their innovative and unconventional playing style.
HurricanesA reference to speed, power, and domination in racing or on the ice.
Ice Age InvadersPlayers known for their relentless attacks and invasions on opponents’ zones.
Icebound WolvesAgile and coordinated players skilled at traversing frozen terrain.
Icicle IguanasA whimsical team name possibly indicating adaptability and agility.
Iron RangersStrong and disciplined players known for their defensive prowess.
KnightsA team embodying chivalry, strategy, and strength on the ice.
Lightning StrikesA reference to quick and unexpected attacks or scoring plays.
Mountain LionsPlayers characterized by strength, agility, and versatility.
Northern KnightsKnights known for their dominance in the northern regions.
On Thin IcePossibly referencing a team facing challenging circumstances or situations.
Outlaw OcelotsPlayers with a unique, unconventional, or rebellious style of play.
Polar ProwlersPlayers known for their ability to navigate and dominate in icy conditions.
Powerhouse PioneersStrong, pioneering players known for setting new standards in the game.
Puck PredatorsPlayers known for their skillful and relentless pursuit of the puck.
Raging RhinosAggressive and powerful players known for their charging style.
Razorback RacersPlayers known for their swift and sharp movements on the ice.
Red Line RaidersA team adept at controlling play around the red line, marking intensity.
RoadrunnersPlayers known for their speed, agility, and ability to dart across the ice.
Saber Tooth TigersFierce and aggressive players likened to the power of prehistoric tigers.
Sharp SkatersPlayers known for their precise and accurate skating skills.
Shooting StarsPlayers known for their accurate and powerful shots on goal.
Snow LeopardsAgile and elusive players known for their swift movements on the ice.
Speed DemonsPlayers celebrated for their exceptional speed and agility.
Stampeding StallionsA team known for their powerful and collective attacking playstyle.
Stealth SharksSkilled players with a stealthy and calculated playing style.
Stone Cold SharksPlayers with a composed and unemotional demeanor but powerful play.
ThunderboltsA team known for the explosive and electrifying energy they bring.
TimberwolvesPlayers embodying the strength, endurance, and unity of timberwolves.
TwistersPlayers known for their ability to turn and twist past opponents.
Velocity VipersPlayers known for their swift and fast-paced playing style.
Viking VictorsPlayers likened to victorious and dominant Viking warriors.
Wildfire WarriorsA team characterized by their passion, intensity, and aggressive play.
WinterhawksPlayers known for their dominance and strength during the winter season.
Yeti YoungbloodsYouthful and energetic players likened to the legendary Yeti creatures.
Zenith ZephyrsPlayers representing the peak or pinnacle of skill and excellence.
Blades Of SteelA reference to the sharpness and strength of players’ skating blades.
Frozen FiveA playful reference to a group of players, a nod to a standard hockey lineup.
Ice CrushersDominant players known for their ability to overpower opponents.
The Freeze ForceA united force of players known for their dominance and control on the ice.

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